Thursday, October 14, 2010

Foods which burn FAT

Foods that are high in protein and fiber are the best kinds of food to eat if you want to burn fat around your middle.
Did you know that it takes more energy to digest protein than it does to digest fat? So the more protein you eat, the more calories your body burns.
1. Eggs
Eggs are super high in protein and can help you burn that unwanted belly fat.
 if you're still worried about your overall cholesterol intake from eating too many eggs, you can remove the yolk and still benefit from the high protein contained in eggs. One of my favorite breakfasts is an egg-white sandwich. Mmmmmm!
Eggs contain the vitamin B12 -- a great supplement for breaking down fat cells.
2. Low Fat Dairy Products
According to an article in Obesity Research, women who ate low-fat dairy products, such as nonfat yogurt and low-fat milk, three to four times a day lost 70 percent more fat than low-dairy dieters.
So, not only do dairy products help you strengthen your bones, they can also play an essential role in burning that unwanted body fat.
While beans are often associated with the gastrointestinal disturbances they may cause, they are also very good sources of protein, fiber and iron.
Some of the best kinds of beans to eat are:
Navy beans
White beans
Kidney beans
Lima beans
While it may not be the tastiest thing you can eat, oatmeal definitely has some great nutritional qualities.
oatmeal is loaded with soluble fiber which helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing those bad digestive acids out of your system.
The best kind of oatmeal to eat is unsweetened and unflavored. While I know it's tempting to select the apples and cinnamon flavor and load it with butter and sugar -- you really lose out on all the health benefits. If you must sweeten your bowl of oatmeal, do so by adding fruit or  spoonful of honey (much better for you than sugar) and a handful of raisins or dried cranberries.
Oatmeal is also beneficial in fighting colon cancer and heart disease.
5. Olive Oil
Certain fats are good for you and your body needs them. Olive oil is one of those "good fats". In fact, it's so good that it helps you burn fat and keeps your cholesterol down.
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that researchers are finding provide outstanding health benefits. One ounce of extra virgin olive oil contains about 85% of the daily value for monounsaturated fat.
6. Whole Grains
These days everyone seems to be screaming "No carbs!" It's as if the world has gone no-carb crazy and everyone is running from sliced breads and pastas.
Well the truth is, your body needs carbohydrates. If you go without them completely your body will start to crave them. So it's not a good idea to exclude all carbs because the right kinds are actually good for you.
It's the processed carbohydrates that are bad for you -- the white breads, bagels, pastas, and white rice to name a few.
None of the above foods come out of the ground the way you eat them -- which is usually a bad sign. They've all been processed, thus stripping out all the nutrients leaving you with loads of starch.
The key is to eat "whole grain" foods because they haven't been processed and contain the fiber and minerals your body needs.
So don't be fooled by a loaf of bread labeled "wheat". Regular wheat bread is still lacking in vitamins and minerals. Manufacturers add molasses to it so it turns brown.
Don't let them trick you. The only kind of bread that's good for you is the kind that's labeled "whole grain"
7.Lean Cuts of Meat
Salmon and tuna are also good sources of protein. They both contain omega-3 fatty acids which may sound bad, but are actually healthy fats. These two foods are also good for giving your immune system a nice boost and should be consumed at least 3 times a week.

Note :
Fast methods of losing weight and flattening the stomach are bogus and it's sad that millions of people spend their hard earned money on these scams every year. These companies are playing on the public's ignorance about weight loss and they know how desperate people are to lose weight fast.
Stop giving these companies your money and your life. Diet pills don't do anything but give you false hope, harm your metabolism and possibly cause other health complications.

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